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An ode to futurism.
The unfolding collection of creations and explorations from a young and innovative mind aching to drown in pure creative ecstasy.

The works are designed and created with a futurist approach with the beautiful flawless female form as the main subject.

Most times I worked on 3 - 4 pieces all at once, put a pause on some and returned after as long as a year. This makes every piece sort of the same family aesthetic—Though some distant from the others, some pretty stylized the same, some modest, and some haute—as you will observe.

It is quite a mixture, quite a visual feast.

I set out to give a visual feast for the eyes and set you off on a creative voyage, exploring your mind and engaging your imagination with a surge of strange emotions, intangible experiences, and gorgeous visuals releasing a beautiful euphoric satisfaction you yearn for.

My love for futurism stems from my undying love of abstraction. I see futurism as abstract expressionism in a different suit. A suit projecting into the future with a refined style and a fresh spotless positive approach.

I also decided never to box myself up again. Now I create and design what I feel like, and in that, a sweet euphoric feeling of freedom washes over my mind.

All work copyright Gorgeous Garvin 2024 ©

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